
2010 News

Hear my interview with Ira Flatow on how we can use swarm intelligence to make better group decisions
National Public Radio “Science Friday” (September 10)

Hear my Conversation with Richard Fidler
ABC Brisbane

Len’s New Blog

Read my new Psychology Today blog: Untangling Life’s Complexities

Further Information

IgNobel Prize

Media Stories
Light-hearted projects that have attracted media attention

On radio and TV

Articles on quirky and serious science

Humorous but informative talks on science in everyday life and what it is like to be a scientist

To the birthplaces of science and modern, cutting-edge Laboratories

My work as a scientist

For interviews, talks, articles, requests to broadcast on radio and TV, and information about future science history tours

Len Fisher’s Journalism

I have been a regular columnist for BBC Focus Magazine in the UK, and have written many popular articles for national and international magazines and newspapers. I am happy to accept commissions for articles on such topics as:

What is the science behind … ?

How can we make science more accessible?

What does science have to say about the big questions?

How does a scientist see the little problems of everyday life?

Below is a selection of articles that I have written on these and other topics. The titles are my original titles, which were sometimes altered by sub-editors. You can view my articles by topic or in chronological order.